Iberia help

MUD help system


Usage: bet [red | blue] [sum of gold coins]

This command is used to bet a sum of gold coins in a gladiator (gladiatorial combats). Based on the odds, if your bet is the winning one, you will earn the corresponding sum of gold, otherwise you will loose your initial bet.

Odds are presented in decimal values. The smaller the number is, the more likely this gladiator will win. They are a mixed calculation of two ratios: past combats between each other and total combats of each other. To generate more uncertainty, the combat styles used in such combats were not considered!

If you bet in the defeated gladiator, you will loose all the money you have bet. But if you have bet in the winner, you will win the money you've bet multiplied by the odds.

To know which gladiator is in the red or blue side, and also the odds and other information, be sure to use "roster" command ("help roster" for details).

You can bet multiple times - the final value will be the summ of all your bets -, but you can never withdraw a bet that was already made!

Also, take good note of the following limits: the maximum bet one can make is 1000 coins, the maximum gold one can be awarded per victory or bet is 5000 coins and that the maximum accumulated unclaimed gold is set to 25000 coins.

It can only be used in a room where there's one of the NPC that are controlling gladiatorial combats (such NPC have a [ludos] tag and will be near the arena location).

See also: claim, gladiatorial_combat, register, roster