Iberia help

MUD help system



Help for merchants


There are many merchants throughout Iberia that will hold coins for you. At each merchant you can 'deposit' coins, 'withdraw' coins (the merchant will take 5% of the withdrawn coins as fees for its services), or check your balance.

To attain playability this merchantile service is connected between all merchants, meaning you can do all the actions at different merchants but acting always over your own total gold.

Those merchants business is only to hold your money in a safe place, free from brigands and thieves, and up to 750 000 coins. That is also the reason they take such a huge percentage (5%) in all transactions performed (5% or 1 coin, whichever is greater). There are plenty activities to spend gold on, but as last resort you can... drop them (they will slip from your fingers, never to be seen again).