Iberia help

MUD help system


Usage: privilege

Usage: privilege [character]

Usage: privilege add [administration level] [privilege]

Usage: privilege add [character] [privilege]

Usage: privilege remove [administration level] [privilege]

Usage: privilege remove [character] [privilege]

This command is used to check, grant or remove privileges from a player related to a given board. There is also the option of editing privileges to the whole board, by defining an administration level in spite of a character name.

There are four types of privileges, read, write, delete and modify, with the following characteristics:

- To read any posts from a board, a character must have READ privilege.

- To write a postsin a board, a character must have WRITE privilege.

- To remove any posts in a board, a character must have DELETE privilege. Note, though, that a character can always remove posts that were posted by himself.

- To lock posts, give or remove privileges, a character must have MODIFY privilege.

Last three syntaxes are used to set privileges for the whole board

See also: admin, boards, lockpost