Iberia help

MUD help system


Usage: randomdesc ["room"|"npc"|"item"] ["short"|"long"|"timerphrase"] [keyword]

Descriptions generator is a system provided by Iberia MUD Engine with the purpose of ease builder's work, when it's needed to create content for a recently created room, item or NPC (like short and long descriptions or timer phrases).

In it's database, IME has many pre-built strings, tagged appropriately with different flags. Based on the flags and keyword set in this command, IME searches for a random string that contains the given keyword and will show an output string.

To avoid to show a completely random sentence, you must always define the kind of object (room, NPC or item) and the type of output (short description, long description or timerphrase).

The only argument you can ommit is the [keyword] argument, to receive a completely random string output.

- usage example 1: "randomdesc room long road" - will output a random room long description that has the word "road" in it.

- usage example 2: "randomdesc npc short soldier" - will output a random NPC short name that has the word "road" in it.

- usage example 3: "randomdesc item long" - will output a random item long description.

This command can only be used by administrators.

See also: descgen, namegen