Iberia help

MUD help system


Usage: register [gladiatorial combat style]

Command used to register yourself in gladiatorial combats. It can only be used in a room where there's one of the NPC that are controlling gladiatorial combats (such NPC have a [ludos] tag). He will be near the arena location.

Also, it can only be used if you have already managed to obtain your Gladiator Armband.

The [gladiatorial combat style] can be one of the following:

* barehanded - no weapons or armour!

* gallus - heavily armed, in a Gallic fashion (warriors from Gaul);

* murmillo - light armed, best opposition for retiarius style;

* retiarius - peculiar and light armed (uses a net and trident as weapon);

* samnite - heavily armed fighters;

* thracian - light armed, in Thracian fashion (warriors from Thracia).

Be sure to be in the registration room when the bet phase starts! Otherwise you won't be elligible for the combat and someone else will be chosen.

See also: bet, claim, gladiatorial_combat, register, roster