Iberia help

MUD help system



Train system


Iberia is leveless and the character development is only related to skills and experience values. This said, a character is not only limited by the maximum known skills it can have per type of skills, but also, per skill, one must have enough experience to train higher skill points.

In order to maintain realism, one cannot master all skills at once. A great general could be a good fighter, orator or priest, but to attain excelence in one of those areas, the others lacked perfection somehow. So you must choose wisely and at your will the areas and skills you want to be proficient in.

Currently, there are 5 group of skills: general, language, combat, army and augur. You can only know a maximum of 4 skills per group, and a maximum of 8 different skills altogether - general and language skills, though, are not capped and do not count towards any of those limits.

For instance, if you consult army_skills help file you can see there are at least 6 skills related to armies. If you choose the path of commanding armies, you can only know 4 of them. If you want also to be a good fighter, you can master the 4 combat skills; in this way, though, you reach the maximum 8 skill cap and cannot train any other skill. If you for instance also want to be an augur, then you must forget one or more skills of other groups to be able to train skills in augur group.

The table below details the minimum experience you must have in order to be able to train a skill point. As example, to train skills from 40 to 49 you need to have a minimum experience of 4267. To train the skill point 50, you must have 10742.

Two side notes: first is that, as you may have noticed when typing "skills", each group of skills has its own experience associated, and is that experience that matters for training a skill in such group. Finally, there is no minimum experience needed to train skills up to 20 points (the 20th skill already needs the ammount of experience registered in the first row).

Skill points Minimum experience

------------ ------------------

20 688

30 1719

40 4297

50 10742

60 26855

70 67139

80 167847

90 419617

100 1049042

See also: trainers, general_skills, army_skills, combat_skills, augur_skills