Iberia news

MUD news system

Viriato     26JAN12 16:18   Updates to v0.989b

- Individual combat. Check 'help combat' and all the other related help files.

- Update on how item/npc are generated randomly in general landscape.

- Gold and corpses creation.

- Command 'drop' completed with keyword 'all'. 'help drop' for details.

- Command 'get' completed with keywords 'all', 'from [container]' and 'into [container]'. 'help get' for details.

- Command 'put' made. 'help put' for details.

- 'look' fix: you can now look inside containers or to items carried by a PC or NPC. 'help look' for details.

- Player connection bug fixing.

- Intermud communication line made, using Intermud-3 protocol. 'help I3' for details.

- New colourclass for I3 comm line. 'help colourclasses' for details.

- You can now check communication history in OOC comm line and tells, by using 'ooc hist' or 'tell hist'.

- Encumbrance fixed and fully working, and also 'enc' command implemented. 'help enc' and 'help encumbrance' for details.

- General bug fixing.
